Seuss Recruitment attended the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association Berlin Chapter on October 11th & 12th to lead an educational session on unleashing the leader within, and it was completely booked out! EDUCATIONAL SESSION Our own CEO and co-founder,...
Leadership & the Gift of Giving (That Keeps on Giving) Gone are the days when companies made donations in order to receive tax breaks – or at least I hope so. Giving back to your community, either by financial donations or personal actions, can have a greater...
Powerful Are the Compassionate: How “Nice Leaders Finish First” Recently, I was listening to an episode of TED Radio Hour on NPR titled “Just a Little Nicer.” In it, past TED speakers discuss whether compassion is a product of nature or...
Gender-Balanced Leadership Quotas Are Coming – Are You Ready? It’s no secret that women have, historically and still today, been underrepresented in leadership positions, in business and politics alike. Having unbalanced leadership teams – whether that’s...