Where Are the Female Leaders in the Life Sciences? I am committed to creating stronger life-sciences businesses – my own, of course, as well as my clients’. One of the key ways I can achieve this is by helping my clients build strong and diverse leadership...
Where were you taught, Idiot Recruiter School? I’ll admit it: I recruit! While I pride myself on dedicating myself to the well-being of my candidates—truly investing my time and effort in discovering who they are as individuals and helping them find the right...
Unlocking Your Superpowers: Stop the ‘iffing’ and start your engine! When it comes to talking about something we would really, really would like to do or achieve, we’ve all made statements like: ‘If only I had more time I would…’...
“Luck Favors the Prepared” – LinkedIn Profile Tips The title quote comes from Edna, The Incredibles’ short superhero costume designer. And we can’t agree more. You’ve probably heard of stories of people who have gotten amazing...
Pharma recruitment: the impossible dream? History and folklore are full of tales about people who are consumed by attempting to achieve seemingly impossible tasks, like the centuries-long search for the secret of turning lead into gold or Don Quixote’s quest to defeat...