Inspiring Journey Video Introduction by Sabine Hutchison
We provide life-changing growth strategies for our clients and our candidates. Our Inspiring Journeys series features amazing individuals who tell their story of when they faced a mountain and how they climbed it. Watch our latest inspiring journey video with Jessica Kundapur below.
Video Transcription:
I love the idea that we have the opportunity in the business that we’re in to meet so many fascinating people with incredible stories. And, sometimes they stay with us. We share them in our offices and talk about the wonderful situations and obstacles that people have overcome and we thought, hey, we need to share this with more people because stories like this can have an impact on lives and that’s when we decided to do the Inspiring Journey series.
The goal was to share, to share stories of people’s crossroads, struggles that they had so someone else can listen to that. Maybe you’re in the same situation and you hear the story and inspires you to take a step, to take a risk to, take a challenge that you would have maybe not done before. The reason these inspiring journeys reach people is because they’re real. They’re actual things that people have experience, they talk about the journeys. They talk about the challenges that they faced and people can relate to real stories from their colleagues and from people that they know.
The vision of the inspiring journeys is really to inspire people, exactly as we call the series. It’s to show the struggles that people have, it’s to show that there are steps you can take that you’re not alone, that if you have a goal, if you have a challenge, you can reach it. You know it goes a bit back to the reason that we named the company Seuss Consulting. We talk about having aspirations and goals and the mountain that’s far away. And, these journeys help us go through curves and peaks and highs and lows and that’s what life’s about. And so, that’s what I think is wonderful to share in the stories that we tell.
Sabine Hutchison is the CEO of Seuss Recruitment and she is a passionate about helping people find fulfilling careers by matching them with life-science companies who want exceptional people.
Seuss Recruitment is a pharma-recruitment specialist that finds synergistic fits between life-science superheroes and forward-thinking pharma, biotech and clinical research companies using the art of match-making with a modern twist. Call us at +31 (0) 20 29 00 016 or email us to have an engaging conversation about how to transform your career or company