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New Year…New Job? (Why now?)

It’s sounds like a cliché, but Seuss’s recruiters have noticed that there’s a definite uptick in the number of pharma-industry job hunters this time of year. Each year, January is a big month in pharma recruitment, as life-science professionals start putting out their feelers for a potential new career-changing opportunity.

Why now?

It makes a bit of sense when you think about it: ’tis the season to re-evaluate EVERYTHING—which, of course, includes your career. As most of us take vacation time over the holidays, it’s one of our rare chances for a break, a breather. A moment to think and evaluate how we feel about our (working) lives.

But why do people do this more now than during, say, their summer beach breaks? Part of it is that we are conditioned to use the change in year as a time for reflection (and hopefully celebration, too!).

Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere also have an extra reason to reflect at this time of year: it’s winter. It’s dark and cold and we spend a lot of time inside in cozy settings—it’s the perfect time of year for pondering life over a warm coffee or cocoa by the fireplace.

This is also the time of year when we catch up with friends and family from afar, and you can bet you’ll be asked about your career and whether you are happy with where it is going. Repeatedly. And there’s no avoiding thinking about it then!

Time for a change?

If the “are you enjoying your job” questions put a pit in your stomach, or if your only answer is an unconvincing “it’s OK,” maybe it’s time to take a good look at your current job situation. Take that moment with the hot cocoa by the fire to ask yourself a few questions: What don’t you like about your job? What do you like about it? Are you still satisfied in your role, and do you feel there’s room to grow in the future?

According to Sheryl Sandberg’s best-selling book Lean In, growth potential is the most important factor in selecting a position—whether that means climbing the career ladder or simply developing your skills further in a job that keeps you stimulated and challenged. At Seuss, we agree completely—there’s nothing more important in your career than having challenges that excite you.

Think about what makes you happy and engaged in your daily life. If you’re still excited to tackle the challenges awaiting you each Monday, then congratulations. You’re probably at a good place in your career. Enjoy it! However, if you’re starting to worry that you’re in a rut, that your career is stagnating…maybe it’s time to look around to see what else is out there. (Looking around is commitment-free!)

A time to take stock

Each new year brings new challenges and changes. Could that include a new career? The holidays are the perfect time to take stock and consider the idea. If you feel you might have more to learn and a better work environment somewhere else, January is ideal for seeing what’s out there—it turns out that companies seem to be more likely to look for new employees in January as well.

So, does New Year = New Job? Maybe! That’s up to you. From all of us from Seuss Consulting and Seuss Recruitment, happy reflecting (and celebrating)…and happy holidays!